COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
What safety precautions are being taken at the Columbia Theatre?
No activity is 100% safe, but we are committed to providing you with the safest possible theatergoing experience. We have installed bipolar ionization air filtration units throughout the building, we’ll be thoroughly sanitizing the entire facility in between all shows and events, and implementing reduced capacity seating to allow for proper social distancing.
Will I be required to wear a mask?
Yes. We will update this as it changes, but our current guidelines require masks at all times inside the venue.
Will there be any concessions?
Not yet. As soon as this changes we will let you know.
How will I get in and out of the venue safely?
The Hainkel Auditorium features seven points of entry and exit for our patrons and two stairways leading to and from the third floor loge and balcony seating. The elevator will be limited to 2 persons at a time. Columbia ushers and staff members will be on hand to help you find your quickest and safest entry and exit points.
Is the box office open to the public?
Yes. You can visit the box office in person Monday – Friday between 11 am and 4 pm. You can also contact the box office by phone at 985-543-4371.
Do you have additional questions?
You can reach our dedicated staff by calling (985) 543-4366.