Thank you to all of our Columbia Famous participants! While most of our community was safe at home, you provided them with much needed entertainment.
- Singing & Dancing
- Acting & Comedy
- Instrumental Music & Visual Art
- Children (12 and under)
- Any videos submitted may be a maximum of 60 seconds long.
- Title, medium of work, and 1 photograph is required for each visual art work submitted.
- All content submitted must be intended for all ages.
- All content submitted will be reviewed prior to posting. We reserve the right to not post an image or video if it does not meet the above criteria.
The winner of the singing category won:
- 2 tickets to see the Purple Xperience at the Columbia Theatre next January. Purple Xperience is the only Prince Tribute act in the world to be officially licensed by the Prince Estate.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to perform their song live at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the dancing category won:
- 2 tickets to see The Wizard of Oz the Columbia Theatre next March. This will be the first Columbia production directed by the theatre's new artistic director, Jim Winter.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to perform their dance live at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the acting category won:
- 2 tickets to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Columbia Theatre in October.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to perform their act live at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the comedy category won:
- 2 tickets to see One-Man Stranger Things at the Columbia Theatre in October. Charles Ross has performed his incredible solo tributes to classic films and tv shows all over the world. His One-Man Star Wars Trilogy, which he performed at the Columbia last November ran off-Broadway.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to perform their comedy routine live at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the Instrumental Music category won:
- 2 tickets to see Sonic Butterfly at the Columbia Theatre next February. Sonic Butterfly is a 60 foot harp that transforms the entire auditorium into a musical instrument.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to perform their song live at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the Visual Art category won:
- 2 tickets to see Aliens, Immigrants & Other Evildoers at the Columbia Theatre next October. Author, painter and performance artist Jose Torres-Tama brings this dynamic one-man, sci-fi, Latino noir to our stage as part of Fanfare 2020.
- Automatic entry into the Grand Prize contest for a chance to win a pair of season tickets for the Columbia's 2020-2021 season.
- An invitation to have their work displayed (if physically possible) at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The winner of the Children’s category won:
- 2 tickets to the world premier of Alice’s Christmas in Wonderland at the Columbia Theatre on November 14
- An invitation to perform or display their winning talent at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night.
The Grand Prize Winner won:
- A pair of 2020-2021 season tickets
- An invitation to perform or display their winning talent at the Columbia Theatre on Hot August Night